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Newtown Square

Patient Spotlight: Pauline T.

For 95-year-old Pauline T. it is easy to stay positive despite the challenges of the COVID-19 Pandemic. Pauline grew up during the Great Depression with her close-knit family on a farm, attended school in a four-room schoolhouse, and learned at an early age the importance of always trying to see the good in difficult times. “I was taught that you don’t have to have everything, to enjoy life,” she said, which is why she makes sure to appreciate the little things.

Pauline visits Dr. Michael Klufas at Mid Atlantic Retina every six months for treatment of her advanced macular degeneration, and looks forward to their bi-annual visits. Since receiving regular injections Pauline is now able to see colors and outlines “like on cars and Dr. Klufas’s scrubs.” Even though her appointments look a little bit different due to COVID-19 safety precautions, Pauline is a staunch believer that “it’s my eyes and I have to take care of them,” and makes a point to never miss an appointment. “Living through the Great Depression makes you a better person, you take care of things. I keep all of [my appointments]. If I don’t, I’m the loser in the end,” she said with a laugh.

Having gotten to know her, Dr. Klufas always enjoys their catchups, which independent Pauline attends on her own. “Pauline is a model patient, and I am grateful that she understands the importance of prioritizing her ophthalmologic care. Her life stories and positive outlook on life are great reminders of why it’s important to try and see the best in everything. It provides me with a really unique perspective.”

Without being able to see her family, due to COVID-19, Pauline has appreciated seeing Dr. Klufas on a regular basis, and shared, “I like him very much, you know he has a good heart.” Even though she only goes out when necessary and wonders when the pandemic will end, she doesn’t let it bother her and tries to go about her life as normally as possible. “I’ve been through a lot in my life, especially with my eyes,” Pauline said, “it’s in everyone’s benefit to go to the doctors.”